
Hall Chadwick QLD recognises that the quality of the audit is dependent on the experience and continuity of the team who will perform these services. But more importantly we recognise that for any professional service relationship to be successful you must be dealing with people you can work with.  

We will put forward a team who we believe you will be comfortable with and can work with you in a spirit of cooperation. We want you to look forward to our visits as an opportunity to benefit from the relationship rather than dread the thought of another audit visit.

At Hall Chadwick QLD we have a small, stable and skilled team in our Audit division. For our clients, this means that from year to year you will be dealing with the same team and this means stability and minimal disruption during the annual audit. 

Our partners will coordinate the audit and any additional services that you may require. To review the full profiles and experience of each of our partners, please click on the images below.

Clive Massingham

B. Bus (Acc), CPA, RCA, SMSF Auditor

Director – Audit

Mark Taylor 

B. Bus (Accy), CA, RCA

Director – Audit

Audit Experience

In recent years Hall Chadwick QLD has acted as auditors for many well-known large private and listed companies, including those in the following industries:

  • Construction, Property Development and Infrastructure
  • Aviation
  • Mining and Exploration
  • Manufacturing
  • Primary production and related services
  • Aged care and community services
  • Restaurants and Catering
  • Financial Services
  • Local Governments
  • Not For Profit Entities

Our extensive experience across all industries and related service areas makes it easy for us to take on audits in new areas and quickly understand your organisation and provide effective and economical audit services.

We currently have audit clients throughout Queensland including Brisbane, Gold and Sunshine Coasts, Dalby and Roma, and as far north as Cairns. We also manage audits in Sydney and Melbourne.

Whilst we visit these clients regularly, a lot of work is also done remotely by accessing our clients’ accounting software and from receiving documentation electronically. This then leaves us free to carry out the essential work when visiting clients and limits the disruption of the audit.

Audit Process

It is crucial that the auditor you choose not only is technically competent, but also thoroughly understands your business.  At Hall Chadwick QLD we devote the necessary time to understand your business. We are experienced in dealing with new clients and have developed a step-by-step process to deal with this in the least disruptive manner. 
In the first year we invest additional time planning the audit, communicating with management, meeting with prior auditors and understanding the business and systems.   We view it as part of our job to work with your accounting team and to make our integration as the Company’s auditors as seamless as possible.  
Company Audit Process at Hall Chadwick QLD

Audit Fees

Our culture is one of client service, providing responsive service at a highly experienced level. We do not aim to minimise costs by providing lower levels of client service. We believe that our high level of client service and mature staffing of the engagement provides value for money to our clients.

Our fees are based on the time required by the individuals assigned to the engagement charged at each individual’s standard rate. A fee estimate is provided for all engagements and will be confirmed by the execution of an engagement letter.

The initial start-up audit cost of any engagement is not billed or built into the on-going fee structure. We bear this cost as our investment in getting to know you in detail and setting up our audit approach for the future.


Contact our Audit Team