As we near the end of our financial year, we enter a new chapter of growth in both our firm, and our people. We are therefore delighted to share numerous announcements for our Hall Chadwick QLD people, taking place from July 1.
Sanil Raje
It is with much pleasure to announce the appointment of Sanil to Director.
Sanil commenced employment with Hall Chadwick QLD in Rob Sendall’s team in 2008 and was appointed as a Partner in July 2018. Over the past 13 years, Sanil has gained deep knowledge and broad experience in professional business advisory supporting a wide range of clients.
Sanil is known by his clients and team for his warm demeanour and even in times of extreme pressure puts his people first. He is passionate about professional development and is always expanding his own, and his team’s knowledge in order to further support his clients.
Sanil is also an active member of the Australian Indian Business Council (AIBC) connecting communities and the reputation and reach of HCQ.
Ken Hogarth
In more positive news, also being appointed to the position of Director is Ken Hogarth.
Ken has been working with Hall Chadwick QLD for over 10 years after moving to Brisbane in 2011 from North Queensland. Following the 2015 acquisition of a practice at Caloundra Ken relocated to the Sunshine Coast and was appointed to Partner in 2019 heading up the Sunshine Coast team.
The challenge of running and growing a new practice is immense but Ken has met this challenge head on.
Ken now services a broad range of clients across several industries and is heavily involved in the Sunshine Coast community including involvement with Caloundra Rugby Union & local education boards.
Cameron Field
We are also thrilled to announce the appointment of Cameron Field to Partner.
Cameron joined Hall Chadwick Qld in 2013 and was promoted to Associate in July 2019.Over this time Cameron has enjoyed building longstanding professional and personal relationships with loyal clients, assisting and advising them to achieve their goals.
Cameron’s career highlights have been working with his fantastic team alongside the exceptional mentoring he received from Michael Cameron. He finds it especially rewarding to help clients out of difficult scenarios and witnessing the relief it can bring.
We have all witnessed Cameron’s high degree of professionalism and leadership through recent difficult times, always displaying the utmost integrity with both his team and clients.
Sam Micalizzi
Finally, we are delighted to announce Sam Micalizzi’s appointment to Associate.
Sam has been with Hall Chadwick QLD in Rob Sendall’s team since 2015, commencing his tenure as an Undergraduate Accountant. Sam has been a Manager in Rob Sendall’s team for the past year and a half, displaying a high level of commitment to his clients and team.
One of Sam’s career highlights has been assisting with the client transition from his fathers practice to HCQ. The assistance provided in relation to the MCA acquisition, retaining and onboarding clients has been exceptional. He has enjoyed the challenge and experience gained with great help from his team.
Across the firm Sam is known to go above and beyond to contribute outside of his role supporting internal and community initiatives and supporting his fellow teammates.
We congratulate all of those mentioned above on these tremendous career milestones, and warmly welcome them to their new positions within Hall Chadwick QLD.