$3,000 rebates are now available to eligible Queensland individuals and businesses who have purchased a new Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV). This rebate is for ZEV’s with a dutiable value of up to $58,000 (including GST) purchased on or after 16 March 2022.
Under Queensland’s Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy 2022-2032, the Queensland Government has committed $45 million to the rebate scheme, intended to make purchasing entry level ZEV’s more affordable. The rebates will be offered until funding is exhausted.
The ZEV Rebate Scheme is limited to:
- one rebate per individual
- up to five rebates per Queensland Business per financial year.
As at the introduction of this Scheme, a ZEV refers to a full battery electric vehicle (BEV) only.
Eligibility includes:
The ZEV Rebate Scheme is open to and must apply to the following eligibility.
- All Queensland residents with a current and valid Queensland driver license (international and interstate driver licences will not be accepted) or another form of evidence to prove residency
- be a Queensland registered business
- must be the purchase of light passenger and light commercial ZEV models only
- ZEVs must have a purchase price (dutiable value) up to $58,000 (including GST)
- statutory registration fees and vehicle registration duty are not included as part of the purchase price considerations
- brand new ZEVs purchased in Queensland from a relevant licensed motor vehicle dealer, and registered with the Department of Transport of Main Roads on or after 16 March 2022.
What is considered ineligible?
Internal combustion engine (ICE) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are ineligible as they are not ZEVs.
The following vehicles are not eligible for the ZEV Rebate Scheme:
- Second-hand vehicles
- Dealer / demonstrator models
- A retro-fitted ZEV and other vehicle conversion kits (including any other alternative fuel source)
- Hybrid and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
- Heavy vehicles over 4.5t (including, but not limited to trucks and buses)
- E-mobility devices (including, but not limited to electric/motorised wheelchairs, electric scooters, mobility scooters and electric bikes)
- Electric motorbikes, trikes and mopeds
- Electric boats or marine vessels
- ZEVs registered/purchased before 16 March 2022
- ZEVs that are managed or leased through a Lease or a Fleet Management Organisation
- ZEVs that have previously received a rebate, grant or subsidy in other Australian state or territories.
The following entities are not eligible to receive a ZEV Rebate:
- Licenced Motor Vehicle Dealers
- Government entities (including but not limited to local councils)
- Fleet management organisations.
How to apply
QRIDA is administering the Queensland Zero Emission Vehicle Rebate Scheme on behalf of the Department of Transport and Main Roads.
You will require the following documents to submit your application online.
Applications for both individual and business applicants:
- Valid and current Queensland Driver Licence (for businesses, please provide business contact’s driver licence)
- Evidence of residential address (e.g. copy of utility or electricity bill)
- Copy of Medicare card or Passport
- Vehicle registration certificate
- Proof of purchase (contract of sale and dealer tax invoice displaying final payment and date the vehicle was purchased)
- Copy of applicant’s bank statement showing name, BSB and account number for transfer of the rebate.
Business applicants will also be required to provide:
- Australian Business Number (ABN), Australian Company Number (ACN)
- Company name, address and contact details (aligned to registration information)
- Evidence of business address (e.g. copy of utility or electricity bill)
- Director contact name and date of birth
- Business contact person name, mailing address and contact details.
Vehicle details required to complete the application include:
- Date of first registration
- Declaration that the vehicle is not managed or leased through a Fleet Management Organisation
- Declaration that no other rebates in other Australian states and territories have been claimed on the vehicle
- Sale price
- Duty amount paid
- Registration number plate of vehicle
- Vehicle make and model
- Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
Please visit the application page for full eligibility and exclusions, as well as further details on how to apply.